Friday 21 August 2009


The blood trickles down my skin
Like a winding river heading to the sea
Taking a route as uncertain as my life
Maybe the blood can set me free

There's so much pain inside my heart
The ache in my chest threatening to crush me
Will the blood take away some of the hurt?
As it flows out my flesh will it set me free?

Am I all alone to cope with this pain?
Is there anyone in my life able to help me?
A hand to steady, an arm to lean on
A guiding light in the darkness around me

Do I trust in god, or whoever guides us?
That if I reach the end he wont actually fail me?
Am I destined to stay or destined to go?
Or just float in the hell of my own private sea?

Help I cry, please someone help me!
But it's swallowed up in the silence around me
What have I done to be tested so badly?
Why does no one come, why wont someone help me?

But the blood is drying and the sun is rising
Another day dawns to hurt and to crush me
Please someone give me the strength to continue
While I dream of the day when I'm actually free

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