Wednesday 24 February 2010

Kids, Doors, Cauda Equina and Music lol

There are a few different things going on here at the moment and none very good I'm afraid. First is I found out on Monday there that my youngest son needs 2 operations. One on his chest and one on his toe which has been poisonous for almost 5 months and is now needing to be repaired by the orthopaedic surgeons. I'm wondering if the infection has spread to the bone and that's why it has become an orthopaedic job? No mother wants to see her child under go surgery. I would do anything to take the pain from him. It just feels like there is more and more stress facing us every day :( Second thing is I have spent the last 2 days replacing the 5 doors that my son has put holes in over the last few months. I can understand the stress that led to the doors being kicked and punched, I can accept the cost I have incurred to repair the toilet and the doors and I can even cope with the pain I have been in these last few days doing the work. What I haven't been able to understand is that he went out to help his pal paint his bedroom and left me to do it all on my own. He couldn't even stay in to help sort the mess he left in my house. He went to help a fit and healthy 16 year old paint his room and left his disabled mum to chisel, drill, screw, plane and hang 5 bloody heavy doors. I feel almost in shock with that. Feels like I have been slapped hard. He came in at midnight by which point I was in tears with the pain and I let him have it. He still isn't talking to me yet but it needed to be said. I wonder if he couldn't face the guilt of the mess he had caused. Who knows? Third thing is on Saturday it will be 2 years since my spinal injury that led to my cauda equina. I was told at the time that I could have up to a 2 year recovery on my legs and although there has been no improvement ever in my legs it is a horrible, horrible thought to know that that's it. Time is up. No chance of things getting better and no hope either. It's a difficult thing to get my head round. Gonna be on my own all day too. Kids will be at their dad's. I know last year I was a mess but I will need to wait till Saturday to see how I cope this year lol. Wish me luck! Last thing is one of those silly things you wonder. Ever found a song that matches your life so much it could've been written for you? And no matter how much it makes you cry you keep playing it again and again? The power of music, eh?

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