Wednesday 24 June 2009

The Danger of Trampolines

My daughter was injured on a trampoline at a friends house last Friday when she was accidentally kicked in the face. Doesn't sound serious? Well believe me it is. She has broken 2 of the bones in her cheek. She ended up being admitted to hospital with concussion and shock and was in a bad way actually. But that was only the beginning. She saw the facial surgeon on Monday and she has a 70% chance of needing surgery. Her face has been left numb due to the nerves being damaged. (She says it feels like after being at the dentist). If she is lucky the nerves are only being squashed by the swelling and will repair but that could take up to a year!! If she is unlucky the nerves are crushed between the bones and will never repair. Her face will be numb for the rest of her life. As time goes on she will likely suffer increasing double vision and visual disturbances also. Her sinus cavity also seems to be crushed so she is likely to have difficulty breathing through her nose. She is in so much pain with it that it breaks my heart :( She cant eat properly, cant drink properly, she cant even brush her teeth. She even struggles to curl her lips round the medicine spoon to take her pain killers :( Poor wee thing.

All this from playing on a trampoline? You better believe it. Due to my spinal injury I have lots of little falls and some big ones so unfortunately I have spent a fair amount of time in the waiting room at A&E and every time I am there, there is a kids with a broken leg or arm, cuts, scrapes, sprains and bruises and all from trampoline accidents. Late at night there are adults who have been drinking and decided to have a shot on the trampoline and have been hurt. These things are dangerous

Trampolines are not toys. Children should be supervised at all times. They should only be on one at a time and please get them to take off their shoes. My daughters friend was wearing trainers when she kicked her face. Maybe if she had had bare feet the damage might have been less.

My daughter has to get a CT scan this week and sees the facial surgeon next Monday. I'll let you know how it goes

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