Wednesday 24 June 2009

Visitors in the garden

I went out to the garden today and found some activity in the bird boxes but not of the kind you would expect!! The bird box on the left has a wasps bike in it and the one on the right has a bee hive in it :O I disagree with the idea that just cos there is a wasp's bike or bee hive in your garden then you immediately destroy it. Now obviously some are in dangerous places and do need to be destroyed but in this case i am inclined to leave them be. They wont be there long and I'm sure we can just keep away from that part of the garden for a while. As a keen gardener and nature lover I know that there is increasing problems with the fertilisation of flowers due to there being less bees and wasps about This is due to the increase in pesticides and this idea that all bee hives and wasp's bikes need destroyed. Also wasps are very important in keeping down pest insects who do destroy crops. I am of the opinion that ''All God's creatures have a place in the choir'' and these wasps and bees are no different. Us humans are causing so much damage to this planet and everything needs to be for our convenience. We have upset the balance of nature. So let's just live and let live folks

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