Tuesday 23 June 2009

Well my name is Angel and I am a 30 something, full time, single mum to 3 kids. I am also disabled after suffering a massive spinal trauma caused by a prolapsed disk in February 2008 just days after splitting up from my husband of 17 years. Although I have had some of the best times of my life in the last 18 months I have also gone through some serious set backs. One of my kids has started to take seizures recently, another has broken their cheek bone a few days ago and is facing prolonged facial reconstruction and the third is autistic. I have had repeated admissions back to hospital one which was for a bleed in my brain. My second stroke :( I also have 3 more disks partially prolapsed and could pop out at anytime causing further damage. Sitting on this ticking time bomb has made me realise that I need to live life for today cos who knows what tomorrow will bring. I have started taking the risks in my life that I was always too scared to take before. I have travelled alone to far flung places in the world on my own with only my trusted crutches. And most of all I'm having fun. So I am setting this blog up to be a bit of a diary but to also add any interesting things I see or find.

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