Sunday 28 June 2009

I've had my house broken into

My shitty life keeps getting worse :( I came home from dinner at a friends last night to find my house had been broken into. The patio door had been forced open. I will admit, I was very scared. My friends came round and a couple of neighbours went in and checked the house but no one was in it. I have a feeling whoever broke in was disturbed though cos all that was missing was some money off the computer desk beside the patio door. I guess we could find more things are missing as time goes on though. But between the burglar, my neighbours searching my house and then the police, I feel completely violated. The house feels unclean. I want to scrub and change everything. I know I have been lucky that nothing more has been stolen but what gives anyone the right to break into someone else's house? I feel very sad about human nature tonight. I think it will be a long time till I sleep soundly in my bed again :(

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