Monday 13 July 2009

My new bath lift

I got a bath lift fitted today :) This is going to make a huge difference to my life. Up till now my 17 year old son was lifting me in and out the bath which you can understand was not ideal. Back in March I also got a stair lift fitted which opened my life up so much cos instead of being stuck upstairs for days on end I could go down and make a coffee anytime I wanted lol. The bath lift was given to me by the Occupational Therapy dept at the local council but I had to buy the stair lift myself. I took a major fall, from the top stair, which resulted in hospitalisation and my kids were scared to go to school and leave me alone so the stair lift was a must. Best £250 I ever spent. So I really feel I have my Independence back and it feels good. I am really lucky where I live with the services that are available. I have a community alarm which allows me to press a buzzer and get help if I fall. I have the bath lift, raised toilet seat with handles, a special stool for using in the kitchen and a few other bits and pieces. I count myself lucky that I live in a country where the council's supply that kind of thing :)

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